This driver has 2 versions for the 3Com 3CRPCIN175 Wireless 11n PCI driver software. Firstly check that you have the correct hardware and also the software needed for the card in your computer. This is not for a laptop and only for a desktop. If you have a laptop then this driver is not for you.
The wireless drivers hardware ID’s are listed below for easy reference.
3Com 3CRPCIN175 Wireless 11n PCI Driver
You will note that this is a Windows XP and Windows Vista device driver. The 3Com Wireless 11n PCI Adapter uses the product code of BBF619A6-5580-40E9-ADF2-627D67391A21. If you are trying to run this 8 year old device on a modern system you will have a few problems. Firstly the driver will need to be installed in compatibility mode. Download the driver below and extract the file inside. From there you will need to right-click on the EXE file and then click on ‘compatibility troubleshooter”. Windows 7 and Windows 10 will then attempt to run and install the driver in an emulation mode.
3Com only released a few versions of this hardware. Most of the older wireless devices was in a USB format. The other hardware in this range is the 3Com 3CRDAG675B Wireless PCI driver which is a PCI card such as this one. There is also the 3Com AirConnect 11M Wireless PCI driver which was also a PCI card. The 3Com 3CRUSBN275 Wireless 11n driver and the 3Com 3CRUSBN175 Wireless 11n USB driver are USB wireless cards. You can also find them on this website.
Search this website for more details on the older 3Com range of wireless products. there is also the Broadcom 802.11n wireless lan driver on here.
3CRPCIN175_XP_Vista | 13 May 2008 | – | 13.53 MB |
Windows XP and Vista Drivers for Wireless 11n PCI Adapter (3CRPCIN175) |