This is the PC Card driver for the 3Com 3CRWB6096 Bluetooth PC Card. This was the last driver made for this adapter and was well known 5 years ago. The hardware and software ID’s are listed below so check before you download that you have the correct hardware on your computer. The driver below is for Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, and XP and the hardware specs for the software/hardware of this wireless adapter attached to your computer.
3Com 3CRWB6096 Bluetooth PC Driver
The hardware ID’s for this card is as follows:
Device Name: 3Com Bluetooth PC Card
Device ID: PCMCIA\3Com-3CRWB60-A-11A5
You will note that there is also the rtl8187b driver Windows 7 as well as the Acer Aspire e15 drivers as well. There is also the 3Com 3CRPAG175, 3Com 3CRWE154G72 and 3Com 3CRWB6096. There is also the 3Com 3CRXJK10075 XJACK driver as well. This is old hardware so the driver will need to be run in compatibility mode for Windows 7 as well as with Windows 10. Download the driver and then right-click on the EXE file. Then click on the troubleshoot compatibility option on the menu. Windows will then install the driver for you. Search this website for more drivers for the older hardware.
You will note that this driver is from 2012 which is a long way back. Search this website for older hardware from the now defunct 3Com company. Use the search function on the side bar for more drivers from them. An example of this is the old 3Com 3CRWE254G72 Wireless USB driver which is also on here.
Bluetooth Connection Manager (ENGLISH) v.
Drivers v. btp1_1en