3Com 3CRWE154G72 Wireless Card Driver

This is the driver for the 3Com 3CRWE154G72 Wireless card driver. This driver runs on Windows XP, 2000, 98 and ME operating systems. For other OS please see the sidebar on how to fix the driver issues. This was the last driver released from 3Com for the PCMCIA card. Check your hardware ID’s and software version before you install the driver.

3Com 3CRWE154G72 Wireless Card Driver

Here are the hardware ID’s for the 3Com wireless card:

Device Name: 3Com OfficeConnect Wireless 11g PC Card (3CRWE154G72)

Device ID:




You will note that there is also the rtl8187b driver Windows 7 as well as the Acer Aspire e15 drivers as well. There is also the  3Com 3CRPAG175, 3Com 3CRWE154G72 and 3Com 3CRWB6096. There is also the 3Com 3CRXJK10075 XJACK driver as well. This is old hardware so the driver will need to be run in compatibility mode for Windows 7 as well as with Windows 10. Download the driver and then right-click on the EXE file. Then click on the troubleshoot compatibility option on the menu. Windows will then install the driver for you. Search this website for more drivers for the older hardware.

You will n0te that the 3Com office connect is a PC card which was very common back then. There are still a few on the market where it is a second hand card. This was a 2004 release and has not been updated after that.

3CRWE154G7209 Jul 20043. MB
OfficeConnect Wireless 11g PC Card (3CRWE154G72).




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