This is the Anycom USB-550 Mini Bluetooth adapter driver for your computer. Check your computer that you have the correct adapter and software operating system. Here is a listing for this wireless driver. Note that these were the last drivers for this USB wireless adapter from Anycom. Note the operating systems for the USB adapter.
Anycom USB-550 Mini Bluetooth Driver
Note that Anycom no longer exists and there are not other drivers available. If you cant run it on your OS then consider running the driver in compatibility mode. This was the last Anycom USB-550 Mini Bluetooth device and software that was released. Similar to the Anycom USB-200 Bluetooth, Anycom Blue CF Card CF-2000 as well as the Anycom Blue USB Dongle which you will also find on here. See also the Toshiba wifi driver download Windows 7 as well as the Atheros wifi driver Windows 8.1 64 bit as well.
Download the ZIP file and then extract the content of the ZIP file. Inside you will need to click on the Win64 directy. If you have the old Windows XP system you can simply click on the setup file. Inside the Win64 directory you will need to right-click on the “btwavdt.inf” and then click on install. The driver will now install and Windows will show that it has found new hardware.
You will then need to reboot your computer after this.
Windows Vista (32/64 bit) (ANYCOM) – v6.2.0.7400