The Dell Bluetooth Wireless 1560 + Wi-Fi driver has been listed below for download. This driver is for use on the Dell Inspiron 5455/5555/5755 using the Windows 8.1 32/64bit operating system. The driver was released in August 2015 and was the last driver that Dell recommended that needs to be installed.
Note the compatibility of the system and also the range of Dell computers which use this driver. These are listed below above the driver file. If you already have this driver then search the Dell website for more information on any other drivers.
Compatible Systems:
- – Inspiron 14 5455
- – Inspiron 17 5755
- – Inspiron 15 5555
Supported Operating Systems:
- – Windows 8.1, 64-bit
Applies to:
- – Broadcom Wireless- DW1560
Dell Bluetooth Wireless 1560 + Wi-Fi